English Paragraph: hsc and ssc paragraphs

HSC ও SSC পর্যায়ের শিক্ষার্থীদের জন্য আমরা ৫টি প্যারাগ্রাফ উপস্থাপন করেছি। শুরুতে বলে রাখি আমাদের লেখা paragraph কেন পড়তে হবে। আমরা প্রতিটি paragraph ২৫০+ শব্দের মধ্যে লেখেছি কারণ HSC ও SSC পর্যায়ে English শিক্ষকগণ ২৫০ শব্দের কম প্যারাগ্রাফে বেশি নম্বর দেন না। তাছাড়া আমাদের লেখা paragraph পড়লেই তুমি বুঝতে পারবে এটি গুগল ট্রান্সলেটর বা নিম্নমানের কোন বইয়ের সাহায্যে লেখা হয়নি। সমৃদ্ধ ভোকাবুলারি ও শব্দচয়ন তোমাকে বেশি নম্বর পেতে সাহায্য করবে।
Traffic jam, tree plantation, load shedding, water pollution, air pollution.

Traffic Jam

When too many vehicles try to move along a narrow street or road at a time, they create traffic jams. It is a great problem in big cities and towns in our country. There are many causes of it. One of the causes of traffic jams is that our existing roads and streets are slender and narrow. In big cities, innumerable rickshaws that ply on the roads and streets are another cause of it. As most of the rickshaw pullers are illiterate and ignorant of traffic rules, they break the traffic rules and most often create a traffic jam. Again most of the drivers in our country are not willing to obey the traffic rules. They drive their vehicles at their sweet will, which is another cause of traffic jams. Wrong parking of vehicles and illegal markets beside busy roads, unnecessary overtaking of vehicles are also responsible for traffic jams. Owing to traffic jams sometimes people are to wait on the roads for several hours. Since most people have to deal with it on a daily basis they may get psychologically affected. It kills people's valuable time and hampers their work. It also negatively affects work, education and personal life of people and finally to the progress of the country. It causes great suffering to a serious patient being carried in an ambulance. We want to get rid of this problem. To overcome the problem; the existing narrow roads and streets should be broadened. One way movement of vehicles should be introduced and flyover has to be constructed in certain areas where traffic jam occurs frequently. Besides, The government must increase the facilities of public transport as per the need of the population. Everyone should avoid the unnecessary collection of vehicles. People should use carpool and vehicle sharing to decrease the number of vehicles on the road. The conditions of the road in India are not good. Authorities must improve this situation. Vehicle registration and motor driving license policy must be strictly implemented. People must be aware of traffic rules and also be motivated to follow them strictly. Mixed traffic on the roads is also a big reason for it. So, it must be banned. Above all, the government and mass-people have to work hand in hand to get rid of this massive problem. 

Tree Plantation 

By the expression 'tree plantation' implies the significance and the importance of trees in our life. Trees are the part and parcel of our life. They provide us with varieties of fruits, which are very delicious to eat and at the same time rich in vitamins. They supply us with various kinds of timbers which are used to make our houses, furniture, boats, buses, trucks, etc. and to decorate them beautifully. They absorb carbon dioxide from the air and release oxygen which is needed for our life. We use them as raw materials for different industries like paper, plywood, matches etc. Besides these, they keep our environment cool and make it fit for comfortable living. They protect us from various kinds of natural calamities like floods, droughts, storms, cyclones etc. But people cut down trees and endanger our own lives. They also effectively prevent the spread of the desert and landslides. Cutting down trees causes serious damage to the soil and turning into deserts. Many species of birds and animals have also become extinct for want of food and habitat after the destruction of forests. It also causes global warming which may bring about a serious cause of sufferings to human beings in the near future. We can not do even for a day without trees. So, we should plant more and more new trees to develop our forest resources. The rainy season is the best time for planting trees. After plantation, we should take necessary care of the little plants so that they can grow up properly. Awareness about the importance and usefulness of trees should be created among the people. Above all, we should participate in the tree plantation program of the government to make it a success. Besides this, the tree plantation program should be turned into a social movement.

Load Shedding

Load Shedding means the discontinuation of the supply of electricity. It happens when the supply of electricity is insufficient. In order to cope with the shortage of supply of electricity, the authority concerned stops the flow of electricity to some areas for some time. It is almost a daily occurrence in our country. It has become a hard nut to crack particularly in the urban areas where people largely depend on electricity. The load shedding mostly occurs in the pick hour of the day. There is hardly any area which is not affected by it. When the supply of current is stopped in an area, the whole area is plunged into darkness. Shops, factories, houses, hospitals, etc. are mainly affected by it. Life comes to a standstill. Mills and factories stop functioning for the time being. If it is continued for several hours, the production hampers seriously. The students are affected by it if it occurs at night. They sit idle in the dark closing their books. Owing to load shedding food kept in the refrigerators gets rotten. The commodities kept in the cold storage get spoilt. Air-conditioners and fans stop functioning. Load-shedding sometimes proves most fatal to the critical patient who needs immediate operations. It sometimes happens that these patients die due to the failure of timely operation caused by load-shedding in the hospital. It is a curse to the patients in hospitals. So load shedding is a great problem. It should not be allowed to continue. We want to get rid of this problem. As such, we want that our government should think over the matter and take the necessary steps to check it at the earliest possible moment.

Water Pollution

Water pollution means polluting water with dirt, dust, filth etc. to make it unworthy of drinking and using. It is an important element in our environment. No creature can live without it. It is essential for life. But polluted water is harmful to it. Water is polluted in many ways. Our farmers use chemical fertilizer in their fields to grow and get better crops. They use insecticides to kill harmful insects that damage their crops. These are sometimes washed away into rivers, canals and ponds and get mixed with water and pollute it. Sometimes, mills and factories throw their waste products containing poisonous chemicals into rivers and canals and pollute water. Again, launches as well as steamers pollute water by throwing burnt oil, food waste and human waste into rivers. Ofter human waste and filth from in the sanitary latrines and kutcha drains run into the rivers, canals and ponds and thus pollute the river. Earth comprises about 70% of water, where humans and animals consume just one of fresh and healthy water for drinking. Humans consume freshwater for daily activities, so we should always be serious about protecting it from pollution. Polluted water causes various kinds of diseases and sometimes causes death. One can conserve water through small steps like turning off running tap water- this prevents water contamination and prevents water shortage. Avoid littering water bodies like rivers, oceans, and lakes. One can help clean the litter on beaches or in lakes and rivers and throw it within the nearby trash bin. Planting more plants and trees prevents contamination of pesticides and insecticides from running off the nearby water sources. Certain fishes keep the water fresh by consuming toxic substances and plants. Thus by taking small measures, the water stays healthy and fresh, and folks can use it for any purpose. So we must prevent the pollution of water in order to a healthier and happier life. 

Air Pollution

Air is one of the most important elements in our environment. No creature can live without air. It is called the life-giving force. But this air sometimes gets polluted and becomes a threat to our life. Air is polluted in various ways. The most common agent that pollutes air is smoke. Smoke of all kinds pollutes the air. Man makes fire for cooking food, burning refuse, melting pitch etc. Thus they create smoke that mixes with air and pollutes it. Railway engines, mills and factories, buses, cars, trucks, steamers, launches and automobiles use coal, petrol and diesel to make energy. When these are burnt they create smoke and air gets polluted. The most serious air pollution occurs in big industrial areas where there are many big mills and factories. Again air pollution happens in big cities where many buses, trucks and cars ply along the streets every day. It has some unfavorable health effects which is an either fatal or severe health risk.  Some reports tell that this air contains the joint mixture of mercury, lead, dioxin, and benzene. These losing elements will be produced during the emission of gases. It is probable that there might be a negative effect on the immune system which is not betterment for health. With a view to ensuring a healthier and happier life for all, we must keep the air free from pollution. By abstaining from making smoke or at least minimizing its creation we can control air pollution to some extent. Above all, it is our strong civic sense that can act as the vanguard against air pollution.

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